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Tee & Appel sap

Appel sap
Peer sap



Tee K

Tee & Appel sap J

Appel sap J
Peer sap


1ste Kossies:

Purity 1 Mieliepap

2de Kossies:

Purity 1 Rys pap

3de Kossies:

Purity 1 Piesang


Ek hou van…..

Vegetables & Lamb



Ek hou nie van….

Vegetables & Beef


Ek is mal oor….


Soet Patats

Mango & Banana delight

Tomato & Chicken Casserole


Teething Biscuits


Marie Biscuits



Tee & Appel sap

Appel sap
Peer sap

Baby Developmental Milestones Month By Month

0 Months Old
By the end of this month, most babies:
*     lift head for short periods while on stomach
*     respond to sounds and voices, especially parents’ voices
*     can focus on objects 10 inches away
*     prefer to look at faces and high contrast patterns
*     are alert for 1 out of every 10 hours
*     have strong reflexes

1 Month Old
By the end of this month, most babies:
*     can smile responsively
*     follow objects with eyes
*     make noises other than crying, such as gurgling and cooing
*     can lift head to 45 degrees
*     have begun to unfurl hands and relax muscles
*     can briefly hold objects
*     enjoy visual stimulation
*     start to associate crying with need-fulfillment

2 Months Old
By the end of this month, most babies:
*     laugh
*     open and shut hands
*     push down with legs when placed on surface
*     kick legs when put on back
*     raise head and chest when put on tummy
*     bring both hands together
*     know difference between parents and strangers
*     can make extended vowel sounds like “ooh” and “aah”

3 Months Old
By the end of this month, most babies:
*     can lift head fully and hold it steady
*     sit with support
*     can bear weight with legs
*     babble and make new sounds
*     explore objects with mouth
*     laugh hard when tickled

4 Months Old
By the end of this month, most babies:
*     roll over (stomach to back)
*     can grasp a toy
*     play with hands and feet
*     can see across the room
*     babble and try to mimic sounds
*     show interest in bold colors

5 Months Old
By the end of this month, most babies:
*     turn towards sounds and voices
*     roll in both directions
*     can sit with minimal support
*     can stand with help from others
*     try to wiggle forward on floor
*     open mouth for spoon
*     observe your mouth movements
6 Months Old
By the end of this month, most babies:
*     sit without support
*     imitate many sounds
*     make two-syllable sounds
*     can hold a bottle
*     can drink from a cup with help
*     are ready for some solid foods
*     copy some facial expressions

7 Months Old
By the end of this month, most babies:
*     respond to own name
*     combine two or more syllables
*     say ‘dada’ and ‘mama’ to both parents (not specific)
*     babble enthusiastically
*     get up on all fours, and rock or lunge forward
*     pass objects from hand to hand
*     chew on objects

8 Months Old
By the end of this month, most babies:
*     can stand while holding on to something
*     point at objects
*     can get from tummy to sitting
*     turn head away when finished eating
*     are interested in own reflection
*     may start to be shy or afraid of strangers

9 Months Old
By the end of this month, most babies:
*     can crawl
*     can pull self up to standing and ‘walk’ with furniture
*     pick up small objects with finger and thumb
*     can wave goodbye
*     makes two-syllable sounds
*     looks for objects after dropping them

10 Months Old
By the end of this month, most babies:
*     say ‘dada’ and ‘mama’ to right parents (specific)
*     can stand unaided for a few seconds
*     respond to name
*     understand ‘no’
*     clap hands and bang objects together

11 Months Old
By the end of this month, most babies:
*     have mastered crawling
*     use gestures to indicate what they want
*     enjoy mimicking others
*     put objects in containers and take them out
*     can drink from a cup
*     identify self in mirror
*     pull off hats/socks if dislike them

12 Months Old
By the end of this month, most babies:
*     can stand alone
*     bend over to pick up objects
*     use 2 or 3 words skillfully, eg., “hi” and “bye”
*     understand simple instructions
*     shake their heads for ‘no’
*     bounce to music (with support)
*     may form attachment to items

13 Months Old
By the end of this month, most babies:
*     can take few steps, or walk
*     can stand alone well
*     ‘speak’ jargon (like foreign language)
*     empty content from containers
*     stack two blocks and disassemble
*     enjoy looking at own reflection
*     finger feed
14 Months Old
By the end of this month, most babies:
*     can walk, and possibly run
*     can climb up stairs
*     can say up to 5 words apart from “mama”/”dada”
*     drink from cups
*     scribble with crayons
*     play with ball
15 Months Old
By the end of this month, most babies:
*     can walk backwards and run
*     show temper when angry
*     says ‘no’ frequently
*     can turn pages of book
*     may like to sing
*     can point to body parts when asked
16 Months Old
By the end of this month, most babies:
*     runs well
*     can draw a line
*     like riding toys
*     use a few words regularly
*     try to climb
*     can walk up stairs
17 Months Old
By the end of this month, most babies:
*     can say 10-20 words
*     can join words and make their first sentence
*     try to kick a ball forward
*     can feed self with spoon or fork
*     have some control over bladder and bowel
*     can throw objects

Feeding Infants and Toddlers

FEEDING AT A GLANCE: Birth - 24 months
Food Sequence
Food Presentation
Developmental Skills, Implications for Feeding
Birth to 6 months Breastmilk and/or iron-fortified formula satisfies all nutritional requirements. Solid foods not nutritionally needed, but infant may want Breast and/or bottle Designed to suck, not chew
Rooting reflex; searches for food source
Tongue-thrust reflex pushes out solid foods
Sensitive gag reflex
6 months Starter foods:
bananas, pears, rice cereal, applesauce
Strained, pureed Fingertipful Spoonful Tongue-thrust and gag reflexes lessen; accepts solids Sits erect in high chair Begins teething
7 to 9 months avocados, mashed potatoes, peaches, barley cereal, carrots, squash, teething biscuits, pear and apple juice May drink from cup
Finger foods begin
Pureed and mashed foods
Holds bottle
Thumb-and-forefinger pickup begins
Fascination with tiny food morsels
Begins mouthing chokable food and objects (parents beware!)
Bangs, drops, flings
Reaches for food and utensils
Munches food
9 to 12 months lamb, veal, tofu, poultry, noodles, bagel, beans, rice cakes, peas, egg yolk, yams, cheese, oatmeal, yogurt Lumpier consistency
Finger foods mastered
Bite-sized, cooked vegetables
Melt-in-mouth foods
Holds trainer cup
Self-feeding skills improve
Holds bottle and cup longer
Points and pokes, smears, enjoys mess
High-chair gymnastics increase
Tries to use utensils, spills most
12 to 18 months whole milk, papaya, cottage cheese, apricots, ice cream, grapefruit, whole eggs, grape halves, beef, strawberries, tomatoes, fish (salmon, tuna), pasta, graham crackers, broccoli, wheat cereal, spinach, honey, cauliflower, pancakes, melon, muffins, mango, kiwi Participates in family meals
Eats chopped and mashed family foods
Begins self-feeding with utensils
Has prolonged attention span
"Do it myself" desire intensifies
Tilts cup and head while drinking, spills less
Holds spoon better, still spills much
Begins walking – doesn't want to sit still and eat
Picks at others' plates
18 to 24 months Eats toddler portions of sandwiches, stews, nutritious puddings, sauces, smoothies, shakes, pate, dips, toppings, spreads, soups
Toddler food "language:" avocado boats, cooked carrot wheels, cheese blocks, broccoli trees, o-shaped cereal, toast sticks, cookie-cutter cheese melts, sailboat salads, peanut butter
Grazes – deserves title "picky eater"
Nibble tray
Weans from bottle
Uses spoon and fork
Molars appear – begins rotary chewing
Spoon-feeds self without spilling much
Learns food talk, signals for "more," "all done"
Wants to eat on the run—needs creative feeding to hold attention at table
Has erratic feeding habits


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